Physical Therapy
Our Physical Therapists evaluate the patient and develop a plan of care using treatment techniques that promote restoration of function, reduction of pain, and prevention of disability. We work with patients who have a wide variety of diagnosis some of which are: Arthritis, Stroke, Parkinson's disease, joint replacements, fractures and injuries from falls. After an illness or injury, PT's use specific therapeutic techniques and modalities to improve range of motion, physical strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, functional mobility and ambulation. Our goal is to maintain the highest level of independence for the patient in their home environment. We also make recommendations for home safety including adaptive equipment to make the home more accessible and to prevent falls. PT's also work with patient's families and caregivers to teach home exercise programs, positioning, transferring, ambulation with the least restrictive devices, and wheelchair management to promote maximum function,independence and prevent conditions associated with the loss of mobility.
Occupational Therapy
Our Occupational Therapists provide skilled treatment that helps patients achieve independence in many facets of their lives. OT's treat a variety of issues such as difficulties with eating, grooming, dressing, hygiene and transferring, as well as hand dexterity and visual impairments. This is accomplished by the use of therapeutic techniques in areas such as cognitive skills, muscle strength, coordination, endurance, perceptual abilities, sensory awareness, joint protection, and work simplification. Occupational therapists teach adaptive techniques and compensatory strategies for dressing, energy conservation and safety awareness while working closely with family members and caregivers to achieve the maximum level of independence in a safe environment.
Speech/ Language Pathology Our Speech/Language Pathologists treat patients who have speech, voice, language and swallowing disorders. These may have occurred from a stoke, brain injury, hearing loss or cognitive disorder. After evaluating the patient, the Speech Language Pathologist develops and implements an individualized program for the patient and works with families and caregivers on treatment techniques to use at home to modify the behavior that impedes communication, swallowing and or cognition.They also focus on cognitive linguistic skills, including attention and concentration, reasoning and problem solving, as well as memory strategies.